
What is Panchkarma?

Panchakarma is a very special Ayurvedic procedure requiring proper guidance from a well-qualified and skillful Ayurvedic practitioner. This should not be undertaken just from information in this article. One should consult with an Ayurvedic physician, not just someone with a modest amount of training. Each of the Panchakarma procedure is specific for each individual; depending upon his/her body constitution, type and chronicity of disorder to be treated, season, past medical history, present course of treatment, etc. Thus it should always be carried out under close supervision of a well-qualified Ayurved practitioner.

The word Panchkarma means five different actions (pancha = five; karma = action).

These are five broad groups of different specific procedures of Ayurveda. These procedures are unique purification procedure advocated for quick recovery from chronic disorders. Chronic ailments are the results of long term suppression of toxins inside the body.

By Panchkarma, the excessive level of toxic substances which are known as “Dosha” are expelled out of the body by various physical harmless procedures of Panch Karma. Thus a long-term and extremely profound purification of the body is achieved. It is quick acting therapy for the chronic diseases and have long lasting effect. For healthy people, there is a clear increase in zest, vitality, and performance.

Yagna Ayurved
Yagna Ayurved
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Panchkarma : The Best Kept

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